Healthcare Experts

We deliver cost effective solutions for your most difficult data and workflow challenges

Sobah Systems’ executives have over 50 years of experience solving thorny data acquisition, integration and process optimization challenges utilizing advanced analytics, automation and customized AI.

Showcasing Success

Recent Projects

Improved Staff
Efficiency by

Referral intake automation allowed client to redeploy clinical resources from administrative tasks to patient care.

Cloud Infrastructure Migration and Optimization

Migration of client’s infrastructure to public cloud created cost savings and staff efficiencies.

Custom HR AI Onboarding Assistant

AI generated feedback enhanced the onboarding experience for new employees, ensuring a productive start to their tenure.

Strategies for Success

Common Challenges

System Integration

We need to get more value from our operational data, but our systems don’t talk to each other?

Artificial Intelligence

Can we use AI in our organization to create a competitive advantage?

Streamlined Workflow

How can I create a more patient friendly experience when my care teams have so many compliance boxes to check?

Technological Innovation

I want to innovate but my technology team can barely ‘keep the lights on?

System Automation

How do I scale when my clinical teams are bogged down by so many manual processes?

Build vs. Buy

How do I decide whether to build or buy a solution we have to keep paying for?

Got an idea?

Let’s make your innovation a reality!