Vertical | Healthcare

Charge Capture App

Empowering Providers with a Hospital Charge Capture App

About this Project

Efficient charge capture is a critical component in ensuring seamless healthcare service and billing. Tasked with this need, we developed a comprehensive application for a client offering hospitalist services across various hospitals in the Dallas Metroplex. The client’s providers, often on the move, required a reliable, user-friendly platform to accurately record their charges during hospital visits.

We devised a native application for both iOS and Android platforms, tailored to the specific needs of the providers. This application not only facilitated seamless note-taking and code capture for charges but also ensured the recorded data was seamlessly integrated into their EMR for subsequent billing processes.

To complement the mobile application, a web-based administrative dashboard was also crafted. This dashboard became the hub for efficient scheduling, operational oversight, and configuration of essential functions to optimize the delivery of hospitalist services by the client entity.

Our Team

Lead Mobile App Developer: Led the design and development of the iOS and Android applications.

Web Developers: Crafted the web-based administrative dashboard to optimize delivery, and APIs required by the Mobile applications.

QA Testers: Assured the application’s functionality and performance across multiple platforms.

Domain & Technology

  • iOS
  • Android
  • Web Development Technologies


The final deliverable stood as a testament to the blend of technology with healthcare. Providers now had a robust tool at their fingertips, ensuring not a single charge went unrecorded or unnoticed, guaranteeing a smooth billing process. The seamless integration with existing EMR systems further highlighted the application’s efficiency, solidifying the client’s operational capabilities across the Dallas Metroplex.

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