Vertical | Utilities

Mobile App

Building a native app for 900 surveyor technicians to work on tickets in within close vicinity to their location and upload site images

About this Project

A utility surveyor organization across 9 US states required their technicians to stay mobile and operate through a native phone app. Our team built an app for android and IOS to facilitate ticket management and allow uploading and indexing site images. App integrated with the client’s legacy application as additional user interface to their existing web interface.

Our Team

UX Designer: Pioneered the design of the native app ensuring user-friendliness for surveyor technicians.

Programmer: Translated the app design into a functional mobile application for both Android and iOS platforms.

Tester: Ensured the app’s stability, performance, and integration with the client’s legacy systems.

Domain & Technology

  • React Native
  • Azure SQL
  • Figma


The completion of the project within the timeline and budget transcended basic success metrics. The tailor-made native app for both Android and iOS platforms has empowered 900 surveyor technicians across nine states, optimizing their operational efficiency and responsiveness. The seamless integration with the client’s legacy system further ensured continuity and enhanced user experience, reflected in the 100% adoption rate in the production phase. The project’s success has not only resolved the immediate operational challenges but also positioned the client for heightened productivity and streamlined processes in their future endeavors.

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