Vertical | Healthcare

Modernizing VISTA EHR

Revamping Legacy VISTA System for Modern Healthcare

About this Project

The Department of Veterans Affairs Healthcare System, known as VISTA, has been a mainstay in the healthcare industry, particularly for its extensive backend database and system functionalities. Rooted in the legacy applications of the 1980s and 90s, it was an intricate challenge to breathe new life into this well-established system.

Our objective was to assess and understand the intricacies of VISTA’s hierarchical databases, subsequently designing an architecture and enterprise solution tailored for smaller hospitals. While retaining the robust backend of VISTA, our mission was to overlay it with modern user interfaces that not only enhance user experience but also streamline the operational efficiency of multiple hospital functions.

From patient registration to intricate modules such as EHR, clinical documentation, and support for nursing, inpatient, outpatient, emergency and surgery rooms, the revamped VISTA system was a holistic solution for every clinical delivery function inherent to a hospital EHR system.

Our Team

Software Engineers: Focused on crafting and testing the new interfaces and ensuring they interfaced seamlessly with the VISTA backend.

Database Specialists: Ensured the smooth integration of the new architecture with VISTA’s hierarchical databases.

Designers: Worked on developing a modern, intuitive UI for the myriad modules inherent in the system.
Business Analysts: Bridged the gap between the technical team and the healthcare professionals, ensuring all requirements were met and effectively translated into the software.

Domain & Technology

  • VISTA EHR System
  • Database Modernization
  • UI/UX Design
  • Healthcare Modules Integration.


The rejuvenated VISTA system was not just a project completion but a monumental leap in healthcare IT. Post-development, the system underwent rigorous testing to ensure that it upheld the highest standards of efficiency and usability. This venture was acquired by a larger healthcare tech company, which saw the potential to integrate it with their software solutions and further extend its reach and utility.

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